Hi friends :) I am so excited to be linking up with Scarlett, from Speech is Sweet, for her Wild About Books Linky Party (and this is my first EVER linky party)!! Scarlett hosts a linky party every Wednesday to share ideas about different books and how to use them in therapy. I love using books in my speech room and feel that they can target a variety of different goals.
The book I'll be talking about today is a great book for fall (it can be used for other seasons, but I love it for fall). It's called Mrs. McNosh and the Great Big Squash, by Sarah Weeks. (It mentions spring in the book, but I just replace the word with fall). It has lots of great vocabulary to review- squash, elderly, scold, etc. It's also a good way to discuss fall foods and traditions, like apples and pumpkins (and squash!). The book is perfect for addressing prepositions as well, because as the squash grows bigger and bigger it begins to roll on top of things, through different objects, and at the end, Mrs. McNosh ends up living IN the squash!
Head on over to
Speech is Sweet to get some other wonderful book ideas.
Happy Wednesday!